Prime Minister Harris advises people to be smart in dealing with Covid-19 pandemic

BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, January 2, 2022 (MMS-SKN) — As the country celebrates the New Year, 2022, which brings with it new things and new expectations, Prime Minister Dr the Hon Timothy Harris is advising that the Covid-19 pandemic is still around and that people have to be smart in dealing with it. “This is a brand-new year with new things and new expectations but most importantly we would want to ensure that our people and our nation continue to feel God’s mercy, God’s protection, and that our country will be…

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Jamaica Gets First Delivery of Covid-19 Vaccines

Jamaica has received its first delivery of vaccines to fight the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The 50,000 doses of vaccines, donated by the Government of India, arrived on Monday (March 8), at the Norman Manley International Airport Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, accepted the vaccines from India’s High Commissioner to Jamaica, His Excellency Rungsung Masakui. Also on hand were the Minister of Health, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Hon. Kamina Johnson Smith. The Ministry of Health and…

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BASSETERRE: St. Kitts, January 20, 2021: ​ Minister of Education, Hon. Jonel Powell accepted a donation of seventy-two (72) touch-less thermometers from the Rotary Club of Liamigua for distribution to Schools in St. Kitts The Rotary Club of Liamigua has been in existence since 2003 prides itself as being a service organisation of professionals who want to make a positive difference in their communities. President of the club, for the year 2020-2021, Deniece Alleyne, presented the thermometers on behalf of the organisation during their breakfast meeting on Wednesday January 20,…

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