Trini producer looks at where pan gone in new documentary

In his documentary SteelPan Now! Notes on Where Pan Gone, Ryan Saunders and his co-producer Aaron Astillero trace the spread of the steelpan beyond the shores of Trinidad and Tobago. The documentary, which premiered at the Trinidad + Tobago Film Festival, looks at the growth of the steelpan but from a foreign perspective. The documentary follows several steelpan pioneers, inventors, players, composers, arrangers, and pan makers of various backgrounds across several cities in the United States who’ve spent decades involved in the steelpan movement. Among the people featured in the…

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Pan Trinbago celebrates Pan Month

Pan Month is celebrated in August every year to mark the declaration of the steelpan as the national instrument of Trinidad and Tobago. Despite challenges surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, Pan Trinbago stands by its aim to promote the development of the steelband movement. The celebrations this year have therefore shifted from the usual in-person festivities to a series of 28 virtual events. Added to this year’s celebration is the 50th anniversary of acquiring the name ‘Pan Trinbago’. Each week features an overarching theme – Education, Evolution, Economical, Entertainment. The events…

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Massy Stores Empowers Women

As the world observes International Women’s Day 2021, Massy Stores is celebrating the success of its long-standing Lessons in Female Empowerment (LIFE) programme designed to empower and uplift its female employees. The programme is managed and executed by Rosario Williams who built her career over 12 years at Massy Stores as a supervisor and HR officer. In taking on the challenge to help women at various stages of their lives, Ms. Williams said, “I always try to understand and connect with people on a holistic level. I try to find…

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