St Kitts-Nevis: Iconic calypsonian, Ellie Matt releases autobiography

Elston Matthew Nero, better known in the Music world as KING ELLIE MATT, has released his autobiography, entitled ‘Under De Breadfruit Tree’.

The intriguing book takes the reader through a detailed journey of his musical genius and life story in general.

He was the founder and leader of the popular band ‘Ellie Matt and the GI’S Brass,’ which was a force to be reckoned with throughout the Caribbean and worldwide.

Ellie Matt who was born in Newtown in St. Kitts, tells the story of how he became a self-taught musician, musical arranger, composer, bandleader and top-of-the-line Calypsonian, who won the Calypso crown in St. Kitts, some 11 times and a BUY LOCAL crown as well.

Add to that 8 road march titles and three wins for his popular band for the Brass-O- Rama title, in St. Kitts.

The inspirational composer indicated in a recent interview, that a lot of his writing ideas, came while he relaxed under the breadfruit tree in his hometown, hence the unique title to the book.

He is encouraging all Kittitians and Nevisians to ensure that they get a copy.

He vows to personally sign all of the books bought when he makes it back to St. Kitts.

The book is currently available on Amazon.

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